There are plenty of them to choose from here. And of course there is a way to earn enough of it in Sims games! You just have to find a job and make a career. Of course, to do that, you’re going to need money. You can furnish the place to your liking and upgrade it with any furniture and decor. So the next step is to find a house in the part of the virtual city you like best. When your hero is ready, he or she needs to live somewhere. There is even an option to pick up and outfit for several occasions and switch from formal to casual, from sleepwear to winter jacket right during the gameplay!
#The sims 2 free play games skin#
You can experiment with different facial traits, skin colors and hair styles. The character constructor is not only a means of reproducing the appearance of real people, but also an amazing tool for creativity and development of design skills. Perhaps the most important and demanded function of a life simulator is the ability to customize the appearance of your avatar. You can choose for whether you character will have a totally different hair color, character and habits, or will repeat the real you in everything. Here you create a person from scratch and shape them entirely – from the inner world to social interactions.

In online reality, you can forget about who you really are and live the way you want! The Sims games are the most complete simulator of human existence, covering all aspects of our life.